Under Portuguese Law at present you do not require a License.

Dirtebikers will supply you with a helmet, gloves, neck scarf & the option of knee & elbow protectors. You must wear fully protected shoes (i.e trainers or boots), ankle socks, no sandels or flip flops, skirts or dresses or loose clothing. 

Passport or Driving licence, sunglasses, knapsack, towel & swimming costume (if tour allows for swimming), sunscreen. Dirtebikers will supply water.

A booking will incur a 40% deposit, with the remainder to be payable on the day of the tour/rental.

A full refund will be given if a confirmed cancellation is made 14 days before the date of hire. If cancelled after this time, your deposit will not be refunded.

A booking can be changed to a different date free of charge only if Dirtebikers is notified 14 days before original tour/rental is booked, subject to dates and times being available

All riders will be given a full briefing, demonstration & testride before going on a tour. The bikes can also be set to learner mode that reduces the power & the top speed.

Please feel free to take photos along the way and Dirtebikers will be able to offer you a video of your tour, starting at 25€, depending on group size.

Tours including lunch will be at a traditional Portuguese restaurant to include couvert, a non-alcoholic drink, main meal with a vegetarian option, pudding and a coffee

No! On the rare days that we do have rain it adds to the fun!